Over the last few weeks in summer I have started a new job
as a Mac Operator and Kolorcraft LTD. Kolorcraft is a retail
and commercial printers, they print globally and are open 24hrs
a day. As a Mac Operator I am responsible for Artwork sent to
print. (I am unable to take pictures of artwork or job tickets
due to copyright infringements etc.)
Firstly I will be given a job ticket - on the job ticket it will specify
how the artwork needs setting up for print although a lot of these
are unclear and can be different for every client. The ticket will include
a brief indication on how the sheet needs to be set up it will also include
a laser copy of artwork with a description of sizes.
Basic Job Ticket Example.
Size: 505x475mm
Client: Waitrose
Form 1: 4 col/0 6 up - Screen
Form 2: 1/0 6 up - INCA
Sheet size: 1000x1757mm
Stock: 1900mic grey board mirror
Artwork: 505x475mm
File name: wap2012_32420_header_.indd
(usually artwork needs at least a 3mm/5mm bleed depending on the
From all the information given I then create a document for the artwork
to sit on e.g. 2up would mean 2 of 6up 6 of etc sometimes tickets can have
more than one artwork for this there will be another sheet for 'sets' how many
each artwork basically. Every document will be set up differently according to
the printer it is set up for there are around 20+ machines I believe such as
the INCA, DURST 1030, JETSCREEN (screen these separate into different
machines for screen) TITAN, INDIGO etc.
Here are a few examples of ticks and documents without artwork which can
be added for different machines....
On every document you must put on cut marks so far I am only able to
do square cuts due to me still learning before this job I had no clue how
important it is to set up artwork for print properly because the man in the
middle the 'mac operator' has to fix the mistakes the designer makes I hope
that this will have an effect on my design practice and hopefully I will be
able to send a piece of design correctly.