"Launched in 1994 (originally as Eikes Grafischer Hort), Berlin studio Hort initially developed a sizeable reputation for its music industry-based design projects. Since then it has demonstrated both versatility and an approach to experimentation through the juggling of big client work (Nike, Volkswagen, The New York Times) and equally fascinating self-initiated output.
Your brief today is to produce a piece of work exclusively for Hort. Level 5’s one day creations will then be packed off to Germany to inform and excite Hort’s founder Eike König ahead of the LCABAGD trip to Berlin. On receipt of these seductive six-hour wonders, a number of students booked on that trip will be handpicked for a visit to Hort’s studio. For those students that are not travelling to Berlin in March, this is still an opportunity to have your work seen by a highly respected designer and his team: hopefully something that you can build on in terms of your own personal and professional development.
As for what you will make? Do some research. Develop a concept. Have some fun. Your work can be produced using any medium or technique. Both digital and physical outputs can be devised but you are asked to ensure that each offering is then submitted as a 300dpi image that can be reproduced on a 250mm x 176mm page. These digital files will be collected at the end of the day. It is also suggested that you should blog this day’s work to make full use of any potential exposure"
After looking through the website I felt the studio was really experimental and collage influenced so I wanted create something completely wacky that represent both my style and theirs, so to do this I experimented with Collages and ink. Using my morning to research into HORT I then dedicated the afternoon to creating...
My design idea was based around Leeds and my fave things along side the fact we are visiting Berlin!
My design idea was based around Leeds and my fave things along side the fact we are visiting Berlin!
My final piece I scanned into the computer to be sent to HORT my design is supposed to come across as humorous the plane symbolises us! and the rest is inspired by Leeds.
My final Res.
Although this was a really short brief I enjoyed this task and it was really interesting to see my outcome as it is something completely out of my comfort zone. I don't love it but I feel it is on its way and I am proud of my efforts.