Thursday, 19 November 2015

OUGD502 Task 1 - Taking Care Of Business

Taking Care Of Business - Task 1 

Deciding on our group members?
Our group consists of myself, Hattie, Becky and Daisy we are 
all close friends and enjoy each others company and all have 
different design ideas but equally compliment each other with our
outgoing ideas.

Our Business Ideas

We have all signed a Agreement for our team; (physical form not on blog)

We looked at names for our 'Studio' but we are still toying between
2 names:

Roots -  The start of growth, basics, How the plant develops -
through nourishment and moisture.

Omni - A combination, Difference.

We initially mind mapped names of what we could call our studio which
suited what our ethos/manifesto of design is. We looked to see wether or
not these names were currently in use for design purposes - we found a number
of sites connected to both but imparticular we found a studio called Root Studio
we re still discussing wether or not to scrap the name because of this.

Our 5 Investigation areas as a studio:

1. Traditional Print
2. Branding
3. Sell our stuff - Shop
4. Interactive Design
5. Be Different

We want our studio to be an analogue based design studio specialising 
in out 5 investigation areas, we want to work and play so by having a 
small on lie shop we can sell our personal work aswell as do productive
design for clients. We chose our points because of our strengths and what
we as group like to do.

For Next Week;
We have taken 4 of the points to research individually to make this fair
we put in a glass 4 topics so 1 person can research for example mine is
Traditional Print and then collate all our research together. Our research
is based on other design studios which do e.g. Traditional Print.

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